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Our insetting service

Insetting means that we reduce CO2e emissions within the same sector they are emitted in, which enables us to decarbonise your shipments. We do this by facilitating a fuel switch from fossil fuels to truly sustainable biofuels. Simply put: a volume of sustainable biofuel that reduces the same amount of CO2e emissions as your shipment would have contributed, is fuelled into a vessel that would have normally run on fossil fuel.
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Book and Claim chain of custody model

In our approach to carbon insetting, we adopt the Book and Claim chain of custody model, which allows for flexibility in how and where biofuels replace fossil fuels, ensuring the overall reduction in atmospheric carbon is achieved.

This model enables us to substitute fossil fuels at the most efficient times and places within the sector, allowing you to continue running your business as usual. An independent third-party audit ensures that the decarbonisation commitments of our clients are accurately fulfilled.

Why switch to insetting?

Here’s 3 reasons to start

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Immediate action
Insetting creates an actual carbon reduction and changes the world of shipping today.
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Easily attainable
Making the switch is hassle-free, requiring no logistical changes to your supply chain.
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Industry innovation
When decarbonising through insetting, you are contributing towards the development of new technologies and future fuel innovations.
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Emissions 101

Routescanner & GoodShipping

Download your free whitepaper

Discover actionable steps to reduce emissions in container shipping. From optimising your shipping routes to switching to sustainable fuels.